What to Expect

A hand of fellowship extended to all born-again Christians and a welcome to all those seeking to worship or to know God.

This Mission Statement adopted in November 2020 for Church of God Ministries by the Ministries Council of the General Assembly of the Church of God in the United States and Canada (from jesusisthesubject.org) reads:

. . . "empowering the people of God to collectively build a Jesus-centered, biblically-grounded Movement that brings the Kingdom to life on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)


Mission Statement defined:

--the people of God is intended to mean the transcendent Church of God family, encompassing people of every nation, ethnicity, culture, and community.

--collectively build is intended to mean the development of a Movement with common identity and ambition, always connected to the larger Church of God family, pursuing unity in diversity as we move forward.

--Jesus-centered, biblically grounded Movement is intended to mean a movement of God’s people committed to Jesus above all else; that commitment is expressed and informed by the divinely inspired and authoritative Scripture.

--the Kingdom is intended to mean the way of life, truth, and values of Jesus as He taught and commanded them in this world at His first coming.